Posts related to Video

Leaked iPhone 5 Video

No matter how much you try to deny it, Apple knows that 86.3% of what you do on your iPhone involves snapping food photos, filtering food photos and sharing food photos. This leaked iPhone 5 official promo video just leaked online, showing the next iteration of the device with one big, tasty focus: food. Specifically, photos of food.

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Google+ Song [humor,video]

Pretty funny Google+ videos showing how it has no immediate competitive advantage … initial reaction is “do we really need another social network”? in this video it shows that if you dig down, the usability is actually quite nice … but people would have to give it a chance first, and as you can see in this infographic : they don’t.

The Google+ Song


Check my email, got an invite To a website I don't know Looked like googlebuzz at first sight, But my friend said that's a no. Why did we need, another social network? Doesn't Facebook work alright? A new thing for me to learn This could take all night, Look out!

What is this google + I don’t Need google + There’s another +1 and another +1 What is this google + Hey, Why’s this red thing here? Go away google +

You want me to put my friends in circles But circles are for squares Everday’s like Sophie’s choice Trying to choose which friend goes where But No Parents, or Ex-boyfriends… Can get in without invites And when I drunkenly post that he’s cute I can edit it later that night - whoa

I kinda like google + Can’t believe I’m on google + Oh another hangout, and another hang out I dig my google + Hey, old high school friend You can’t join my google +

Friends add me, without me adding them That feature’s really nice Randos Uglies my pot dealer and all these friend’s I’ve never liked No one knows, my circle names, So even good friend’s get handpicked Do you make it into my main feed or do I add you to my circle of pricks

I’m in love with google plus I’m judgemental on goggle + and Another douchebag and another loser You didn’t make my google plus Hey, Now I’m a facist pig Thank you google plus!

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Unreal Time-lapse of the Aurora Borealis

Landscape photographer Terje Sorgjerd spent four years looking to create a timelapse of the aurora borealis – also known as the northern lights –, then finally flew to north Norway and spent a week capturing one of the biggest displays in recent years. The final result is absolutely amazing! The stills were shot with a Canon 5D Mark II along with the Canon 24mm 1.4, Canon 16-35mm 2.8, and Sigma 12-24mm lenses.

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