Posts related to samsung

Viral Video Friday - Seductive Motion by Samsung

Awesome Viral Video ad by Samsung titled Seductive Motion, featuring their new motion controlled Smart TV.

Everything is going motion and voice controlled, with nice features such as face detection; which makes me think that voice detection (know who I am by my voice) should come next … If I say ‘favorites’ to trigger a list of my favorite channels, it should know to display my list, even if me, my wife, and my kids are in the room.

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The Patents War of Tech IP [infographic]

Awesome infographic on the world of tech IP. Lawsuits, patents, and tons of activity. Note that Apple doesn’t sell patents to anyone, and no one is allows to touch Apple’s IP. Apple is the most active player in the court room as well. Google very quiet, but plays well in the patent marketplace.  Motorola Mobility remarkably told a monstrous number of patents to Google, which might have been cheaper to just buy them than keep paying it.   And Nortel apparently has it made, where every large player pays them a nice recurring revenue.

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Outdoor 3d Projection Taking Off

I’ve always been wondered by how brands are not just using anything as media, like plazas, buildings, the sky … but it’s actually happening … within the past month, first Samsung and then BMW using 3d projection mapping to display a full HD3D display on top of buildings. I don’t know the laws and regulations for it, but I’m sure there are some, otherwise we would see add projected on every building - ad saturation.

Samsung introduced 3d projections in Amsterdam to promote their new to-be-launched 3d tv’s. I would love to get one for the world cup, but I could only hope.

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