Posts related to Restaurant of the Future

Organizations of the Future - Part 4 - The Vision for the Restaurant of the Future

In part 1 we defined Digital Darwinism and the Coefficient of Adaptability , in part 2 we discussed the MTP , part 3 we deep dived into scenario planning, plausible futures and new entrants , and now we’re going to bring it together an envision the future of the restaurant.

Invest in the future of personalized nutrition, which resides in the future of the quantified self and future of food processing, manufacturing, and fulfillment.

Imagine a future where you could know everything about your body, including natural composition, but also real-time need state. Here’s a list of a few fast-moving trends that will enable that, all riding Moore’s law by doubling their price-performance every 9 to 18 months.

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Organizations of the Future - Part 3 - Scenario Planning for the Restaurant of the Future

In part 1 we defined Digital Darwinism and the Coefficient of Adaptability , and in part 2 we discussed the MTP . Now let’s deep dive into scenario planning.

Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning is the process of anticipating possible futures by generating actionable insights through the creation a small set of scenarios for an organization’s future environment that are:

  • Relevant to critical business decisions
  • Distinct
  • Individually realistic and believable
  • Together cover the breadth of relevant uncertainties Scenarios are visions of alternative plausible futures.

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