Posts related to marketing

5 must-have marketing tools for the lean startup

**MailChimp **Nothing beats the measurement and attribution capabilities for multiple lists for the price. Your startup more than likely doesn’t overkill nurturing capabilities that expensive solutions have. Use third-party integrations with SalesForce to associate email campaigns with lifecycle and behavior groups of your users/customers. **Rapportive **Know everything about a potential partner from a pane in Gmail. Instant connectivity to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Crunchbase with contacts is awesome for quick update on partners, customers and prospects.

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How Technology Changes Us

After my World After Advertising keynote , I had a great interview by Horizon which came out in a print edition back in March 2011. I took me some time to get in translated, but it was totally worth the wait – they did a great job capturing SapientNitro’s thinking on marketing, media, and technology.

SapientNitro mastermind Rob Gonda talks about marketing in the digital age and the declining importance of mass media By Santiago Campillo-Lundbeck

At the World After Advertising conference in Düsseldorf, Rob Gonda tried to shock the public by saying that traditional advertising is dead. In an interview, though, Gonda, who is SapientNitro’s Global Head of Creative Technology, gave us a more complex picture of the communication revolution sparked off by the internet and how marketing has to respond.

Horizon: Your job is to find opportunities worldwide for SapientNitro to creatively use technology in marketing. Why has technology become a strategic issue in digital marketing all of a sudden?

RG: People’s relationship with technology is the critical issue. Technology changes our habits and so it’s only logical that technology also changes the way we see brands. Technology puts new filters between customers and brands.

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