Posts related to Imagine

Behavioral Targeted Advertising

Imagine a world where advertising is so targeted that it is actually welcomed by the users. I know, most users don’t like any types of ads; it is understandable nowadays, since publishers try to squeeze ads anywhere and everywhere they can… there are multiple types of ads: disruptive (try to force the ad thru), user initiated (user has to show some interest), brand placement (brands in movies or games); and there is also the relevance of the ad… Targeted ads are important and effective for advertisers, but also more pleasant for the consumers.

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Imagine: a place for dreamers

I decided to create this new section where we can post the latest innovations in the advertising and technology realms and our vision and dreams for future years. Please provide feedback, as this section is definitely prominent for opinions and discussions. Let me get it started with a few thoughts on behavioral targeted advertising .

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