Posts related to google

YouTube as a discussion destination

Guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani has sued Coldplay for copyright infringement over claims that their hit single, Viva La Vida, used “substantial original portions” of his song If I Could Fly from 2004, seeking damages for “any and all profits.” The lawsuit has been filed in Los Angeles federal court.

Chris Martin has said: “We’re definitely good, but I don’t think you can say we’re that original. I regard us as being incredibly good plagiarists.” I bet he wishes he hadn’t said that now…

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iPhone vs G1

The iPhone obviously had a huge impact on the smartphone market selling over 1MM phones on its opening weekend,  but on top of that it also created buzz on the smartphone market and all those people who also wanted a smartphone but not necessarily an iPhone or switching to AT&T are looking around for alternatives… Blackberry stock doubled, Verizon came out with the Voyager, and now T-Mobile with the G1. So would the G1 compete with the iPhone? Experts say that the G1 will sell 400,000 phones before the end of the year … not an impressive number, but then again, t mobile is tiny compared to AT&T. The main difference with Android and the iPhone, and that Android has all its numbers combined – all carriers, all brands, all models – and the iPhone is just one.

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G1: Google gPhone and Android hit the market

The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications. Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK.

Android is Google’s attempt to dominate the mobile advertising market, just as it has dominated the online PC advertising market, said Craig Wigginton, industry leader for Deloitte’s telecommunications practice. “Their number-one driver for pushing this is the advertising model,” he said.

The G1, the first Android phone introduced by T-Mobile, Google, and HTC on Tuesday, comes loaded with Google applications, including Gmail, Gtalk, Maps, and YouTube. The home screen includes just one item: a Google search bar. Each of those applications is an opportunity for Google to deliver advertisements to users.

There are 3.5 billion mobile-phone users worldwide; many more than computers users. Google, with their success at delivering advertising to desktop computers are looking to monetize this enormous opportunity.

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Google Chrome Screenshots (tons)

[caption id=“attachment_253” align=“alignnone” width=“150” caption=“Google Chrome Logo”]Google Chrome Logo [/caption]

[caption id=“attachment_254” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Google Chrome Autocomplete (1/2)”]Google Chrome Autocomplete (1/2) [/caption]

[caption id=“attachment_255” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Google Chrome Autocomplete (2/2)”]Google Chrome Autocomplete (2/2) [/caption]

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Google Chrome: the Google Browser

[caption id=“attachment_244” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“Google Chrome Logo”]Google Chrome Logo [/caption]

Google announced today that they will release their own browser tomorrow, code named Google Chrome. Beta version will be launched tomorrow morning only, initially available only for Windows.

[update].  Google Chrome beta is now live and can be downloaded here .

Google Chrome is open source and based on WebKit, which is the same engine used by Safari and Adobe AIR. This is really good news because just the thought of yet another browser with different JavaScript and CSS engines to test every site and web app is really unpleasant.

Why did Google re-invent the wheel?

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