Posts related to Apple

Apple’s HTML5 and Standards Gallery, Not So Standard

Apple has created an HTML5 Showcase that presents its vision for the next generation of the web. Interesting combination of video, audio, typography, transitions, filters, and 360 spins. It works perfectly on my Mac using Snow Leopard and Safari, and works on my iPhone, and my iPad …  however, when I wanted to try it on my Google Chrome, which is actually even better suited for html5, I found that Apple blocks it.

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Apple App Store Economy / Android and 4G thoughts

Thank you Gigaom So I’m an iPhone user, and so are most of my friends … but I really think the new gold mine is Android; I was playing with the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment today, Droid Eric over the weekend, and can’t wait to get my hands on a Nexus One … With 50 new Android phones coming out this year, an open app eco-system, and 4G coming out this year, I really can’t wait to see the outcome …

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Confirmed: Adobe Flash for the iPhone for 2009

adobe flash logoAdobe demoed Flash 10 runtime for mobile back at Adobe Max 2008 on the Android platform, the Windows mobile and the Symbian platform. During the keynote, I remember that Kevin Lynch mentioned that Adobe has been working on Flash for the iPhone without much Apple support …

The ongoing debate over Flash on the iPhone appears to be over after Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen announced last week at the World Economic Forum that Adobe and Apple are working together in an effort to bring Flash to the iPhone.

While Narayen didn’t answer the question of whether Apple had strengthened its commitment to putting Flash on the iPhone he did point out that the ball was now in Adobe’s court. “We have the developer kit and the onus is now on us,” he said.

During the Bloomberg interview, Narayen said that Adobe plans to have over a million devices shipped by the end of the year that have Flash and he’s not just talking iPhone; the company is working on the Android platform, the Windows mobile and the Symbian platform.

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Viral Video Friday

I decided to start a new trend and post something perfect for those Friday’s EOD when you can’t wait to go home and relax… Every Friday I’ll post the latest or most watched viral videos… Fresh content for your entertainment.

Heineken - Walk in Fridge

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