Posts related to Video

Stat-tacular Old Spice Case Study by W+K

• Old Spice accounted for 75 percent of conversations in the category in the first three months of 2010. • Half the conversations came from women. • The YouTube/Twitter social media response campaign was “the fastest-growing and most popular interactive campaign in history.” • More people watched its videos in 24 hours than those who watched Obama’s presidential victory speech. (Which most of us can agree is kinda sad.)

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The Old Spice Social Media Campaign Stats

I am so glad I [accidentally] decided to write about the Old Spice videos last Friday , prior to the social media campaign launch. The Old Spice simple and clever social media campaign has been running for the past 48 hours, allowing fans, influencers, and random people get their own personalized Old Spice video response by Tweeting, through Facebook, or Youtube commects … amazing! Full review by Mashable is pretty good.

Inevitably and as expected, the videos got views, but following rapidly increased across all channels.

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Viral Video Friday

Today’s award goes to iPhone4 vs HTC Evo. I’m sure most of you have seen it, but if you haven’t, the video is a parody mocking Apple-heads / fans that blindly follow the brand for status … It shows how Apple builds following through designing great experiences and even if other brands have better technology, they cannot match the feeling one gets when holding an iPhone.

This video came out the same day the iPhone4 was released, immediately rocked the charts, and keep going strong.

The creator of the video worked at Best Buy, who immediately suspended him – creating some negative PR which shows you that even though Twelp won the Grand Prix at Cannes this  year, Best Buy is still learning how to best leverage social media.

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iPhone 4 - iAd - Nissan Leaf 2

iAd is a mobile advertising platform developed by Apple Inc. for its iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad line of mobile devices allowing third-party developers to directly embed advertisements into their applications. Unlike other banners that open a new browser window, the iAd is a full native app. The Nissan Leaf iAd allows you to customize your car, learn about key features – including comparative miles per dollar- via an engaging, informative interface.

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