Posts related to Video debuts innovative video player’s brand new inauguration video player features some innovative features: beyond streaming the live event itself, it features inauguration speeches stretching back for decades. Each has a transcript in a sidebar. Click a word or a tag, and you jump instantly to that location in the video. Highlight a sentence or two, and it spits out a little code, letting you embed that exact clip on your blog. Dynamic editing, right from the player… More about the player in the Wall Street Journal .

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Viral Video Friday

I decided to start a new trend and post something perfect for those Friday’s EOD when you can’t wait to go home and relax… Every Friday I’ll post the latest or most watched viral videos… Fresh content for your entertainment.

Heineken - Walk in Fridge

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Monstrous 3d Event at Super Bowl XLIII

Four marketers are teaming up to air two commercials in super-fabulous 3-D as part of a special “event” during this year’s Super Bowl telecast on Feb. 1 to run the first-ever all 3D Super Bowl commercial break. The ads, which will run at the end of the second quarter will mark the debut of DreamWorks Animation’s premier 3D movie trailer for its upcoming feature film, “Monsters vs. Aliens” and a 60-second spot in 3-D for PepsiCo’s SoBe Lifewater.

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