Posts related to Browsers

Firefox Shows Off Its Upcoming Browser For Tablets

In a blog post published Tuesday , Mozilla user experience designer Ian Barlow previewed the user interface their Mobile Team is in the process of building for a tablet version of Firefox. Firefox for tablets, which does not yet have a release date, will be optimized to run on Honeycomb Android tablets. The browser will include features from the desktop version of Firefox such as tabs, themes and the Awesomebar, an adaptation of a feature launched with Firefox 3 that enables quick access to bookmarks and browsing history.

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Business Tedious Task Automation

If you work on a large corporation, you know about time cards, expense reports, and other horribly tedious business overhead that takes so much of your time. I don’t know I’ve never put 1+1 together … As a long time technologist, I’ve used multiple automation tools such as selenium, or the selenium Firefox plugin to fill out forms and automate testing … I ran into a new browser earlier this week called Fake - as for Fake interactions with the web.

Fake is a new browser for Mac OS X that makes web automation simple. Fake allows you to drag discrete browser Actions into a graphical Workflow that can be run again and again without human interaction. The Fake Workflows you create can be saved, reopened, and shared.

Inspired by Apple’s Automator application, Fake looks like a combination of Safari and Automator that allows you to run (and re-run) “fake” interactions with the web.

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Adobe, stop trying to get into the iPhone

Latest news, Adobe finally gets into the iPhone/iPad by delivering Flash-based ads to the iAd network. Mashable reads: “Adobe to Bring Flash-Based Ads to iPhone : Adobe has partnered with ad company Greystripe to deliver Flash-based ads to Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Greystripe makes this possible by converting Flash ads (which the devices do not currently support) into the competing HTML5 format” Now, has Adobe stopped for a second to think, if you can do everything Flash can do in html5, why using Flash at all?

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Apple’s HTML5 and Standards Gallery, Not So Standard

Apple has created an HTML5 Showcase that presents its vision for the next generation of the web. Interesting combination of video, audio, typography, transitions, filters, and 360 spins. It works perfectly on my Mac using Snow Leopard and Safari, and works on my iPhone, and my iPad …  however, when I wanted to try it on my Google Chrome, which is actually even better suited for html5, I found that Apple blocks it.

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Google releases Chrome for Mac

After playing with Chrome developer edition for the Mac for a few weeks, Google released today the official Beta . I tried it on a PC a few months ago and quite honestly, was not impressed at all, and haven’t paid much attention since. Today I decided to run a few tests, and it seems to be 1) pretty fast, and 2) extensible? Open and click launch experiment … tried it with Firefox 3.

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Google Chrome Screenshots (tons)

[caption id=“attachment_253” align=“alignnone” width=“150” caption=“Google Chrome Logo”]Google Chrome Logo [/caption]

[caption id=“attachment_254” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Google Chrome Autocomplete (1/2)”]Google Chrome Autocomplete (1/2) [/caption]

[caption id=“attachment_255” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Google Chrome Autocomplete (2/2)”]Google Chrome Autocomplete (2/2) [/caption]

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