Viral Video Friday - Seductive Motion by Samsung

Awesome Viral Video ad by Samsung titled Seductive Motion, featuring their new motion controlled Smart TV.

Everything is going motion and voice controlled, with nice features such as face detection; which makes me think that voice detection (know who I am by my voice) should come next … If I say ‘favorites’ to trigger a list of my favorite channels, it should know to display my list, even if me, my wife, and my kids are in the room.

Other features of this Samsung TV:

  • Control entertainment in new ways with Smart Interaction
  • Log into the Smart Hub using Face Recognition
  • Control settings easily with Voice and Motion Control
  • 2D and 3D entertainment in full HD 1080p
  • Connect to Smart Content with Family Story, Fitness and Kids

Some behind the scene videos:

The Making of ‘Seductive Motion’

This ad was filmed in Buenos Aires by London based ad agency BETC with model Angela Bellotte. BETC's ECD [Neil Dawson]( "Neil Dawson - ECD at BETC") looks like a total douche at the end of the video by forcing a scene where Angela is laying on him ...