The Future Car Infographic

Interesting infographic on future cars. The car of the future will be connected, cloud enabled, and will be part of the greater trend of Internet of Things. The Infograph talks about V2V communications [Vehicle to Vehicle], just like any other M2M [Machine to Machine]. More and more we’re seeing self-aware devices and interconnectivity, that are capable of sending core signals / data elements for a better and smarter environment. V2V communication is not sufficient, we need better communication with highways, hazards, traffic, cameras, natural disasters, parking, and more.

Asides from that, foreseeable aspects such as better infotainment systems, music and video streaming, smart sensors for better security and safety,

Interesting that for future cars there is no mention to self-driving cars, fuel efficiency, external sensors for better automation such as real-time video analytics …

It’s a pretty infographic, but very limited from a thinking perspective.

future cars - car of the future infographic