Viral Video Friday - An Old Spice Analysis

So W+K has been having fun with Old Spice lately … It’s actually quite impressive to see how every video they produce for Old Spice gets anywhere from 1 to 12 million views …

The latest one, called Old Spice | Questions got 3 million views in less than 1 week.

Interesting to see too how favorable reviews are … 21k positive vs 240 negative …

Other things to notice are the increasing number of call to actions to follow them on Facebook …

The video has links to Facebook in the description as well as an annotation. I actually like the watermark annotation in the video, very well executed, except the message, which should prompt to be best friends but simply land on the Facebook wall … not a good transition. FYI, Youtube does not allow annotations with external links unless it’s an ad buy, so Old Spice must see value on it to be paying per click.

The Old Spice YouTube Channel also has Facebook and Twitter links in the header … These links actually don’t link directly, but use a url to track click-troughs … Wonder why it’s inconsistent … they should have tracked the video annotation links the same way.

Anyways, even with the amazing success of the video in term of views, people have not been clicking much to Facebook from it … shows the following number of the past week, on which the video has had 3 million views

Referring SiteClick(s) ![]()1,049 ![]()383
Email Clients, IM, AIR Apps, and Direct ![]()52 ![]()3 ![]()1 ![]()1 ![]()1 ![]()1 ![]()1
1000 clicks from Youtube ... not impressive.

Also notice they have only 500k Facebook fans … small number had they tried to push traffic from the 50 million youtube views… but I don’t know for how long they’ve been trying. Would be great to have a tool to see historic growth of Facebook following for any public page / brand.